
Amazon's Gold Box is full of DS treasures [update 5]

Hey, guess what? You can buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Amazon today (and today only) for $25.99!

What a minute -- why are we posting about a Brawl deal on DS Fanboy, of all places? Because, friends, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Amazon is offering up nine Nintendo deals today, which (if our guesses are correct) includes five DS games.

Since all of the said games are published by Nintendo you might own most of them already, but if not, they're games that are definitely worth getting for cheap. So, all you stingy folks that are able to order from should check past the break to see what Gold Box sales are in store for you today.

Note: These deals are listed in Pacific Time.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

[Update 1: Phantom Hourglass deal confirmed.]
[Update 2: Super Mario Galaxy deal confirmed.]
[Update 3: New Super Mario Bros. deal confirmed -- only 20 minutes in and 36% of discounts are claimed, yikes! This one won't last two hours, so we recommend moving fast.]
[Update 4: Mario Kart DS deal confirmed. Since the previous deal didn't end up selling out, we won't make a fool of ourselves and guess the same about Mario Kart.]
[Update 5: Caught 'em all!]