
Age of Conan's old beta test servers shut down

It is time for beta testers milking the beta gravy train to pay-up and subscribe if they want to continue playing on an official Age of Conan test server. According to Scott over at Pumping Irony, upon firing-up the old test launcher players were met with the somber news and much kudos for their hard diligent bug reporting and feedback during the whole testing operation. Funcom kept their old beta servers online for a month after Age of Conan launched before pulling them offline yesterday and the plan is to convert them over into a "Testlive" server. A common practice after an MMOG launches.

To keep a healthy test playerbase busy swatting bugs and pillaging bleeding-edge content the following standard measure is planned:

"We will be doing several things to encourage people to play on Testlive. We are looking at being able to copy characters from Live, having "buffing" NPCs that will level and gear your character up."

Doesn't seem like much incentive to play on the official test live server, but what else can they do aside from handing out bags of money to all your non-test characters? You tell us.