
Breakfast topic: Keeping track of WoW

Let's face it, World of Warcraft is a big game. Nine classes with a new one on the way, ten races, ea

ch with all unique spells and abilities, over fifty zones to explore and soon a new continent, each with more quests, baddies, and precious loot than we can count. With so many details a virtual world like WoW has, just how the heck do you keep track of everything? Everyone has certain goals in mind for their characters.

  • Be a master of a certain profession

  • Be exalted reputation with certain factions

  • Quests you want to go back and do (I'm with you completionists!)

  • A wish list of goodies to be gotten and exactly what you need to get'em.

Do you go for the casual approach and just store it in your noggin? Or maybe you've lined your monitor with so many sticky notes you can barely see your character. Perhaps you're the obsessively anal type and keep a notebook binder or excel document handy at all times? Myself, I'm guilty of using an online application called Backpack to keep my profession notes and wish lists in order. Share with us in the comments how you keep track of all your WoW information!