
Rumor: Activision making their own peripheral for next Tony Hawk

According to the latest issue of EGM, the next Tony Hawk title might not be utilizing the Balance Board after all. Instead, Activision has supposedly been thinking about putting out their own peripheral to interact with the game, bundling it with the upcoming title.

Something that boggles our mind is the mentioning that Neversoft would not be developing the next Tony Hawk game. Considering that Neversoft produced a long-standing series from scratch and sustained it for many iterations, we'd be hard-pressed to think that Activision would take them off of the franchise. But, hey, that's just us.

Many games are using Nintendo's Balance Board, including rival skateboarding franchise

Skate It from EA. Do you want to know more about Nintendo's peripheral? Watch this instructional video and be sure to check out our own Mike Sylvester's fun with it in his Revolutionary feature series.