
AoC forum fun: know your bows

This is my bow. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My bow is my best friend. It is my life. My bow without me is useless. Without my bow, I am useless. Such is the life of a Ranger in Funcom's Age of Conan, at least once you've gotten out of the starter area. While the careful use of abilities plays a larger role in determining the success of any given Ranger, using the right equipment is still paramount maximizing damage. And when you're a straight DPS class, that's why people want you in groups.

That's why we were so delighted to see a guide being built over on the official Age of Conan forums, detailing the locations and stats of the most desirable rare bows, crossbows, and quivers in all level ranges from Tortage to the end-game. With the truly tremendous amount of bitching that goes on over at those forums, we love to see useful information like this floating to the top of the morass. If you've got a Ranger or regularly group with one, make sure to check out the list to see if you've got the best bow for your level.