
Blizzard's gold farmer bans sends world economy into tailspin

Sure, the price of oil may seem harsh tese days, and pulling up to the pump is certainly no bargain ... But the worst is yet to come. Those whose business it is to track the price World of Warcraft gold goes for on the black market have seen the price of gold double in the past couple of weeks, likely due to a mighty swing of Blizzard's ban hammer. With the highly profitable gold farming operations shutting down due to the suddenly lowered demand and supply, an easy source of liquid assets is now gone. The ripple effects will be felt globally. Until those brave gold farmers can get back in business, long lines at the pump may translate to long lines in the unemployment office.

An over-reaction? Perhaps. But Andrew at GameRates describes, in a tongue-in-cheek way, how protests against the high price of fuel will lead to protests against the high price of gold. So seriously -- have you stopped buying gold until the price comes down? What's the best price point for WoW gold? And would you consider buying gold at a higher price in order to help the Chinese gold farmers over this difficult hump?

Note: Massively in no way condones the buying and selling of gold or the breaking of any EULA in any way We're just interested in hearing from people who choose to on their own accord.