
Square Enix reveals E3 2008 lineup

Square Enix has announced their E3 lineup and, sadly, it's slim pickings for PS3 owners. With seemingly no sign of Final Fantasy XIII or Versus XIII, the only PS3 title Square Enix will be showing at the show is The Last Remnant -- and that's multiplatform. Even then, the game won't be playable at the show. Star Ocean IV is also listed on the press release and is lacking an "exclusive on Xbox 360" label, which bodes potentially well for the game reaching the PS3 at some point in the future.

It's all a bit disappointing really. We know PS3 fans are excited for anything Square Enix related, particularly Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII. Who knows, maybe they'll announce something special for PS3 owners at the show. Or maybe they're keeping their PS3 titles quiet because they're reserved for Sony's Press Conference and won't be available to see on the show floor. Fingers crossed.