
Erling Ellingsen AoC interview high on promises, low on specifics

Age of Conan is firmly in the spotlight right now, as gamers across the world decide whether it lives up to the hype. It has passionate supporters and equally fervent detractors; product manager Erling Ellingsen had a good opportunity to put in some words of reassurance when he was interviewed over on He clarifies exactly what went on with the infamous breast size bug, and then it's into the stuff we really want to know: game information.

There's not a great deal revealed that we didn't know already. Mounted combat is to be improved, spellweaving will be expanded to be made more interesting and elaborate, and the goal for player gear is 'maximum balance', so you won't need to specialize solely in purple raid gear or PvP gear to get the best results. The real meat is in the revealed plans for guild cities, which will become more functional and less deserted via the addition of NPCs 'who roam around and create a living cityscape.' Erling also hints that guilds will be able to customize their cities more than they already can. Good stuff, as far as it goes - but let's get sieges working properly first, eh?