
Age of Conan may be facing a horse price crash

If you've been planning to buy your first horse in Age of Conan, you might want to sit on that hard-earned gold for a few more days. An update to the patch currently on the Testlive Server has slashed the price of regular mounts from 2 gold down to 75 silver - a cut to less than half price. This should make mounts available from a much earlier level, allowing many players to get saddled up at the kinds of level originally envisioned by the designers.

While this will be excellent news for first time horse buyers, several of those who have worked hard to earn the gold for their horses before this potential price crash are fuming. Joining them in their anger are some of those who purchased PC Gamer to get the Totem of Origins, a recall-to-home-city item which will now be dropping from 'select bosses' as a piece of loot, and as such is no longer exclusive.

One universally positive change is the removal of a previous unpopular nerf. Quests that have gone gray will now give XP again.