
E308 X3F Sticker Gallery: An Epic addition

On top of our OMGBBQ MEGATON! reveal that we actually got the Cliffster to sport an official X3F sticker, we were also able to complete a few successful stickerings during the Gears of War 2 multiplayer event. We'd even go as far as to say nearly all the new E3 X3F Sticker Gallery additions are "Epic" ... you see where we're going with this? Check out the gallery below featuring Epic Games' own Mark Rein, Gears of War 2 producer Rod Fergusson, the voices of Marcus, Dom (voiced by Carlos Ferro who told us he's a huge fan of X3F, w00tz!) and Cole as well as Cliff's girlfriend. Yes, we stickered his girl because we're that dedicated to the art of X3F stickering.
