
Joystiq live at E3 2008 Take-Two press conference

10:44 am PT: Just chilling as the press-type folk move on in. Linkin Park is playing,

10:46 am: Strauss takes the stage

10:50 am: Strauss takes the stage and isn't saying much. He's happy with the way the year went.

10:51 am: Ben Fedder tells us that BioShock is the most anticipated game of E3. Wait, what year is this? Ohhh, for PS3. Really, most anticpated?

10:52 am: Video time. Showing off a bunch of games we know like Don King Prizefighter, MLB 2K8, The Bigs, Top Spin 3.

10:53 am: Fedder says they're going to show off NHL 2k9 and NBA 2K9. Now Jeff Thomas, a VP of 2K Sports is going to take the stage.

10:55 am: Thomas says that NHL 2K9 is "all about fun." He says you can drive the Zamboni. The game will allow players to use the Wiimote as a hockey stick.

10:57 am: NHL 2K9 looks fine. It's the type of "family fun" the company wants to deliver. Here comes NBA 2K9.

10:59 am: Oh, we just learned that "if you know anything about sports games, you know 2K!" That's a nice note. Let me write that down. Did you know that?

11:00 am: NBA 2k9 for Xbox 360 is being shown. It's actually really good looking. There's a lot of stuff going on. Cheerleaders flipping, crowd reaction, announcers. It's sponsored by Gatorade. Crowd got real quiet when they scored, the reactions are neat.

11:03 am: Fedder comes back out and says Carnival Games has sold 1.5 million copies. 2K Play, the family focused brand gets its time. Carnival Games is being pimped hard core. Now we're being shown a Carnival Games commercial -- make it stop! Carnival Games Mini-Golf will be out this fall for the Wii.

11:06 am: Carnival Games Mini-Golf looks like the same quality as Carnival Games but in a mini-golf setting. So the 1.5 million people who bought the first game may enjoy it.

11:07 am: ZOMG! Dora the Explorer is coming to the Wii for the first time! AHHHHHHHH! Dora Saves the Snow Princess for Wii and DS.

11:08 am: Fedder is talking 2K Games now. Says Civilization Revolution is doing well and is talking BioShock. Now it's just a video of those games. Some Mafia 2 images. Champions Online.

11:11 am: Champions Online is getting a seperate trailer right now to show 2K's commitment to quality games and their move into the MMO market. The game is still expected next spring for Xbox 360 and PC. The images look lik a new version of the City of Heroes/Villian games.

11:13 am: Melissa Myer Miller, a producer, is going to talk BioShock PS3. She's saying that they wanted the PS3 version to be good and now she's talking about the PS3 DLC we wrote about yesterday. She's talking about the "challenge rooms" but not saying anything new.

11:16 am: Fedder returns to introduce Gearbox and Borderlands. Now comes Randy from Gearbox.

11:17 am: Randy is "really excited" to be here. They're showing off the same scenario we saw yesterday in an appointment session. Let's see if they do the same presentation script???

11:19 am: Not the same script. The characters are being attacked by "scags," which are like nasty dogs. The characters are searching throw scag leftovers for loot. Yeah, now they're showing off that the game has a half-million weapons with various alterations to them. Borderlands looks good for being pre-alpha. The game is an FPS RPG.

11:25 am: Wow, these guys are getting a lot of time for this demo. Now showing off an acid gun, throwing grenades. Randy says the game is different every time they play this demo. That appears to be true from what we're seeing. Guy just got shot with a shotgun and exploded, the audience seemed a bit shocked.

11:29 am: Rockstar time. Fedder reitterates announcement of GTA: Chinatown Wars. Video clip plays showing Bully, LA Noire, Midnight Club LA.

11:31 am: Playing a extended clip of Midnight Club: LA

11:32 am: Strauss is back! Hey, Strauss. He's thanking people who helped set up this press conference. Oh no, this is looking like the end. He says the company doesn't want to talk about vaporware, he wants games they can show. Yup ... that's it. *yawn*