
The real-life Fallout 3 Pip-boy peripheral that almost was

Writing about video games can often expose you to those heartbreaking stories of things in development that almost made it, but never appeared. Things like the Phantom game console, Shenmue Online, and the years-in-the-making Duke Nukem Forever.

We spent time with Bethesda's Todd Howard beyond locked doors and found out about some of the dark secrets behind Fallout 3, including the massive real-life Pip-boy that would have had a screen built into it to allow you to interact with the game. Or possibly hold your PSP on your wrist to become a PiPSP-boy. Find out more after the breakage.

Q: Whose idea was it to build the Pip-boy 3000 clock that comes with the Fallout 3 Survival Edition?

A number of us. Pete [Hines] was probably the first one of us to say, "You know... we should build one of those." The initial concept was... peripherals were getting so popular. Retail was just cleaning up with peripherals, you can see where I'm going with this: Guitar Hero. I got asked if I wanted to do one as a peripheral, and I said "Absolutely!" The idea was that we would sell it, and it would work with the game. Now it's going to be a letdown, because it's obviously not what's happening.

Q: Like something you would snap onto your wrist?

We talked about it being a modified controller. Instead of having to pull it up in the screen, it had a screen that you could just pull up and [screen button punching noises]. Then we talked about a snap-in on the PS3 that would work the PSP. You could just snap your PSP into it and talk to your screen. It just became too crazy. "This thing is gonna cost $500! Another screen? How does it work on the platforms?" It was just too much for us to bite off.

But there was a one week period where we were like, "This is the greatest idea in the history of the universe, and we're doing this." But then we decided it would probably distract us from making a better game. The main argument was that it was only useful in the game, it wasn't something that was useful when you were out of it, so we decided to make it as a clock. Now you can wear it as a goofy watch to the mall, or you can put it up on your desk. It's really meant to be used on your desk as a clock now.