
Watchmen based games to go episodic

Let's go off-topic for a moment. Watchmen is probably one of the greatest graphic novels ever created and the film looks totally rad. From director Zack Snyder, the guy who directed the film adaptation of Frank Miller's 300, and partially penned by David Hayter, of Metal Gear fame, it looks like it's going to be one helluva flick.

The problem with creating a great movie is that, inevitably, someone will want to create a game based on it. Variety is reporting that Watchmen is no exception to this rule but the game based on the film (based on the graphic novel) is taking a different approach. Warner Bros. has announced it will release two downloadable episodic games on Xbox Live, PC and PSN to coincide with the theatrical and DVD releases of the film.

Developed by Deadline Games, which is currently working on Faith and a .45, we don't know much about the content of the games but we hope a smaller game will work out better than licensed titles of the past. We also hope for world peace and an end to fanboy flame wars -- guess how that's going so far?

[via Joystiq]