
Warcraftmovies opens voting on Synergy contest entries

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! What you are about to see will amaze you. In what is shaping up to be the most intense Player vs. Player battle that WoW machinima has ever seen, two contestants are facing off for your vote. The Warcraftmovies Synergy contest entrants were given the choice of two (absolutely horrible) scripts, which they had to follow to the letter, but were allowed to add their own special touches to. The result is an epic fight to the death.

Though there are indeed six entries, most votes are going to our main two contenders. In one corner, we have Martin Falch, responsible for the incredible feature-length film, Tales of the Past 3, which just crossed one million downloads in seven months! He chose to work with the script, The Best Kept Secret of the Horde. In the other corner we have the dream team of Baron Soosdon and Pinkhair, with help from Selserene, Olibith, Caruu, and Drewbie. Their chosen script was Busted. Only one contestant will go home with the $1500 USD Warcraftmovies contract.

Voting ends on Thursday, July 31st and the winners will be announced the following day. Check out the videos and help decide on who will win in this tight race!