
One Shots: I've got a theory, it could be witches

Or bunnies. Nah. Whatever it is this Priest of Mithra is doing with this spell rotation in Age of Conan, it certainly looks pretty cool. Today's One Shots comes in to us from Oz, who snapped this a few days ago. We have no idea what area in Age of Conan this is, nor why one might want to stand there and put on the mother of all light shows. But we're certainly glad Oz caught a screenshot of it and sent it our way to share!

Have you found an area with dancing demons, vengeance demons, witches, bunnies, or anything of the like on your travels? If so, bundle those screenshots up and send them to us here at oneshots AT along with a quick blurb about what we're looking at. Otherwise, we're left to our own devices to explain what's going on -- which can involve things far stranger than musicals.