
THQ: Q109 buoyed by Wall-E, but still sees $27.2m in losses

License-rich publisher THQ reported $27.2 million in net losses for its first Fiscal 2009 quarter, ended June 30. That figure is nearly triple the net losses of Q1 2008, even though sales were $137.6 million this quarter, up from last year's $104.5 million. The little beacon of light for THQ's first quarter was Wall-E, which boasted over a million unit sales. Other notable titles include Big Beach Sports, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 and MX vs. ATV Untamed.

THQ CEO Brian Farrell pointed to September's de Blob and this holiday's Saint's Row 2 and WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009, along with a new Red Faction, Darksiders and WWE Legends of Wrestlemania, as sales boosters for the rest of the fiscal year.