
EA: Godfather 2 in late 2008 or early 2009

EA's John Riccitiello doesn't like to keep things bottled up. Whether it's displeasure at how his gardener trimmed the bushes in his back yard or the change to the tried-and-true meatloaf recipe his wife enacted last night, if John's got something on his mind, odds are it's coming out of his mouth. And, for that, we love him.

Take, for example, a recent investor call he took part in. The EA CEO spilled the beans that The Godfather 2 would be releasing shortly after another big EA title, Left 4 Dead. This would mean the game is slated for late this year to early next year for release. We're wondering if that's even possible, to tell the truth.

We haven't really seen or heard much on the game, so we kind of have a hard time believing that it could release so soon. Also, with the Wii version of the game releasing later than other versions of the first title, we're wondering if EA will plan on doing that again with the sequel.

[Via X3F]