
This Week in WoW news

As we have a dedicated site for World of Warcraft in our sister site WoW Insider, many of the smaller tidbits about changes in the game, or community news don't tend to land here. As a way of bridging the gap, we bring you This Week in WoW news, now with 100% more goodness, and a bite-size weekly package for you to enjoy!

Ask a beta tester: Let's get this party started!
So you haven't found your way into the Wrath of the Lich King beta. We're sorry for you -- but we're ready to bring you the answers you seek!

Hands-on with Inscription in the Wrath Beta
By now you've heard of inscription, the new trade skill coming with Wrath of the Lich King. We've already given you a few sneak peeks, looking at glyphs, enchantment scrolls, and other beta insights.

Bornakk says more about two specs per character in Wrath
On the WoW forums this morning, there was renewed gurgling about the desire to be able to respec more easily, specifically between PvP specs and raiding specs.

Azeroth's new plague, Potion Sickness
Bad (good?) news for Alchemists and the people that love (hate?) them. The latest Beta build has introduced something called Potion Sickness.

Ask a Beta Tester: Wyrmrest Temple and the dragon shrines
As I understand it, the Argent Dawn is making a reappearance in WotLK. Will players who spent a lot of time with the Argent Dawn pre-BC ...

A look at the Death Knight's 'dungeon set' and other goodies
Death Knights have it pretty good. Old school players will remember the pain of collecting our dungeon sets, such as the Shaman's The Elements or the Paladin's Lightforge Armor.

[Updated] New stable slots in Wrath?
One of the biggest challenges that hunters face is the issue of only having three available stable slots. With all of the diverse pet choices, and Fluffy the pink Barrens raptor hogging all that space ...

Ask a Beta Tester: More Titan's Grip
We're back again with today's round of Ask a Beta Tester questions. I tried to answer as many as I could, but time is a fickle mistress ...

Blizzard: Wrath will be out in Q4 2008
In an uncharacteristic display of candor, Blizzard CEO and co-founder Mike Morhaime confirmed during a conference call that the much-anticipated Wrath of the Lich King expansion will be released ...

New hairstyles in Wrath of the Lich King revealed
Yes, you can have a Night Elf mohawk. That's the biggest thing you should take away from the new files uncovered by Andrige, a WoW fan artist.