
Valve's Doug Lombardi denies PS3 version of Left 4 Dead

It appears that the internet was too quick to celebrate a potential EA-developed port of Left 4 Dead (us included). Supposed scans of the Official PlayStation Magazine quickly stated the title was going to eventually hit PS3 through an Orange Box-like deal, with EA handling porting duties of the game. However, Valve's big man in charge, Doug Lombardi, denied the existence of a PS3 port in a short and sweet statement to TGN: "There's no PS3 version of L4D currently in production."

Apparently, the scan which turned into the talk of the town was taken out of context: it was simply a bullet point in a regular rumors column. However, considering the positive response to a PS3 version of Valve's upcoming multiplayer zombie apocalypse game, we'd think it foolish for EA to pass on an incredible opportunity like this.