
Salamander's Jump Seat Ottoman now available for your rumpus (room)

Salamander Designs has been showing off its Jump Seat Ottoman since late last year, and now it's finally shipping. The more-than-meets-the-eye ottoman fills in for those awkward moments when you run out of seating at show- or game-time. We all know the situation -- the couch is comfortably full, the loveseat is occupied and someone's out cold in the recliner. And then someone else shows up. Those dining room chairs aren't comfy and a task chair from the office just looks ghetto. But if your space is equipped with one of these $1,000 pieces, all you have to do is flip up the top of the ottoman and a la peanut butter sandwiches, that last man scores a seat with integrated cup holder and storage. Crisis averted -- you get credit for the save and the party keeps rolling.