
Cosplaying for cash: Meet the new Lara Croft model

Her real name is Alison Carroll, but for the purposes of your fantasies you may refer to her as Lady Croft. The Sun has some pics of the 23-year-old, who was revealed today as the new public body of the polygonal heroine. The model will now travel the globe, hunting for her next paycheck, as she meets fans and swallows her pride "acting out stunts from the game."

There's a few more details about the model/actress in The Sun story, but the only important thing to know is that she's single and ready to mingle. Yes boys, slather on some Drakkar Noir and work some extra-stiff gel through that greasy hair because Ms. Croft is available. For those who actually care about the game that Carroll will be promoting, Tomb Raider: Underworld will be available Nov. 18 in NA and Nov. 21 in Europaland.