
Do you plan to cancel your 3G service tomorrow?

Ah how time passes quickly. Just one short month ago, the iPhone 3G went on sale. Many of you camped out on line just so you could buy one of those sweet units. And tomorrow, if memory serves, will be the first day that you can cancel service, pay your early termination fee, prorate your monthly bill, and still keep your iPhone.

Why would you want to do that? Canceling after a full month of service allows you to keep a free and clear iPhone. Cancel before that time, and AT&T theoretically wants your iPhone back. Think about what a contract-free 3G gives you. It can be pwned and used with pretty much any AT&T SIM, including those ultra-cheap Pay As You Go cards that offer $20-for-thirty-day 3G data plans.

Are any of you going to do this? Are you ready to detach your unit from those expensive iPhone-only plans? Or are you pretty happy with the service, price and features that you already have? Let us know in the comments what you've decided, especially if you've been waiting for tomorrow's 3G iDay to cancel.

Source of the 30 day confusion: "To cancel service within the first 30 days, the customer must return their equipment to the place of purchase (no exceptions). If the customer cancels service after 30 days, they will be charged the ETF. The customer is not required to return the device to cancel after 30 days."