
Flock! developer worried about XBLA layout, delisting not the only answer

Proper Games, the team behind the upcoming sheep herding XBLA game Flock!, is none to happy about the Xbox Live Arcade's categorization or how it's organized. And even though they're in favor of delisting under-performing XBLA titles, they don't think it's the only answer to the problem.

"Flat-out delisting perhaps isn't the solution" Proper Games CEO Paddy Sinclair told, adding that "I'd also like to see a way of properly categorising games - what's the most-downloaded game at the moment? What's been most bought?" Sinclair then echoed their and many other developers' fears of being lost in the XBLA mix, admitting that Flock! "could just get lost in the morass of arcade conversions" with how the current system is setup. Hopefully, the massive Fall update and a newly re-structured XBLA will solve Proper Games' and our own problems we have with the XBLA. Do it for the sheep, Microsoft, do it for the sheep.