
Godfather II debut trailer makes unrefusable offer

As any respectable Don will tell you, serving as the CEO of a powerful crime syndicate is not an easy thing to do. You won't find any classes on racketeering at your local community college. Finding a reliable bulk supplier of fedoras and pinstripe suits is nigh-on impossible. Teaching your underlings the fine art of stallion decapitation requires amounts of patience and equine physiology that very few men possess.

Luckily, the upcoming sequel to EA's well-recieved adaptation of Coppola's magnum opus, The Godfather II, looks to be an in-depth survival guide on the nuances of mafia management -- perfect for that up-and-coming kingpin in your life. The above trailer shows some of the finer points of Donship, and gives a great look at some of the lovely locales we'll be viciously extorting come February. That little Cuban restaurant would look so charming with a prostitution ring in the back room, don't you agree?