
Asheron's Call web updates herald the new, memorialize the old

A couple noteworthy things recently happened in the Asheron's Call neck of the woods. The official website got a much-needed make-over. The new design is easier to navigate and it looks much more modern. When we spoke with community manager Andy Cataldo at the GenCon 2008, he told us that modernizing AC is the development team's focus right now. While the website is obviously not part of the game, updating it is a step in the right direction.

But since AC is in fact a very old game (it's coming up on 10 years now), not all of the focus is on the future. Case in point: the second nostalgia developer blog has been published. All too often people in this genre and industry have only a short-term memory. Since it's good to look back at where we've come from, we enjoyed the first nostalgia blog.

This second one was written by Matt Eliot, who worked as an artist on the AC live team. Like the author of blog #1, he was just another AC player before he applied to work for Turbine.