
iPhone: iLive dev iPwnd for 'stealing' rival's data

Proving that there's still more head-shaking to be caused by the iTunes App Store in the wake of the "I Am Rich" app silliness, the developers of the Xbox Live friends list app for iPhone have accused the developers of the iLive Xbox Live friend list app of stealing their data and bandwidth. Oh no they d'int!

According to the 1337pwn gang, oh yes, they did. On its blog, the app author writes, "We discovered that the other XBOX Live Friends application available in the AppStore is/was using our data feeds without permission. They were stealing a nice chunk of bandwidth and CPU through their improper use of our server interfaces. These folks were using our data without permission, authorization, or credit given. Not cool."

What's both cool and funny is how 1337pwn went about getting its revenge. "With a couple of tweaks to our data feed, we are now credited for the data within their application. Given that we have a sense of humor, we have also incorporated new features such as a random online status," it revealed. The image above shows iLive pulling data from 1337pwn's server before its devs realized the jig was up. We've tested iLive since 1337pwn took action and found that most of its status fields now report "Suspended until next release." Well, at least we didn't pay for it.