
Sunday Morning Funnies: Your lack of faith is disturbing

It might be a long weekend, but that's no excuse not to read your funnies! We have some new faces, the return of a beloved comic, a comic/craft hybrid, and more.

New additions

  1. The Emissary - Act 1. This is the beginning of a new project from Barry T. Smith, a departure from his usual style with InkTank and Angst Technology.

  2. Manic Graffiti is back! Let's start with the Pax Arcana Lich King Special.

  3. This isn't new, but it's a debut for this list. Sluggy Freelance's Years of Yarncraft Papercrafts! There are lots. Here's one.

  4. Check out mmolecule, or "GG" Comics by Ken Harrison. WoW players meet up with the Force.

Comedy with a plot

  1. LFG: No, that's not Legara.

  2. Road to BlizzCon, Sin'dorei Scheming Part 2.

  3. Welcome to Booty Bay!


  1. Extra Life illustrates the difference between respawning and reincarnation.

  2. GU Comics points out that There's a Good Reason.

  3. It's back to school time and Monkey Punchers celebrates. BTS.

  4. NoObz. There's a flaw in the strategy.