
Aliens: Colonial Marines glimpsed in Jace Hall Show

Those of you who took the E3 absence of Aliens: Colonial Marines to mean that Gearbox had naught to show for its FPS efforts have been proven utterly wrong. As indistinctly evidenced by some new (and brief) off-screen footage, the so-not-coming-out-in-2008 shocker is shaping up to be everything you could have hoped for:

  1. It is a game.

  2. It is presented in the first-person perspective.

  3. You are equipped with a device that rapidly transports projectiles into snarling faces, often attached to slimy extraterrestrials.

The footage was captured by the folks behind The Jace Hall Show, who came over, man, came over to have a look at the game in the final moments of their season finale. You can view the episode after the break or, alternatively, see the edited clip at Shacknews.

[Thanks, Stephen]