
Get up close to Ougon no Kizuna

How much are we freaking out over Jaleco's Shadow of the Colossus-esque Ougon no Kizuna (Bonds of Gold)? Long answer: obviously a heck of a lot, considering we're already comparing it to the majesty of Shadow of the Colossus. Short answer: UIVJM(*RIWV%WOV&IUPO/WF.

While we previously only had scans on which to base our assessment, IGN now has full screens, allowing us to really scrutinize the unique art style of the game -- we don't think we could ever get sick of that pencil filter effect in screens, and seeing it in motion will hopefully be just as impressive. Two other shots follow the break, but we'd also urge you to hit up IGN for the full-size versions. It's blimmin' lovely.