
One Shots: Where's a Baby Ruth when you need one

Many people are now in the open pre-launch beta for Warhammer Online and by most accounts we're hearing, having an absolute blast! Of course, in traveling around this strange new land, there's lots of interesting... people... to meet. Today's One Shots comes to us from Oz, who has been in WAR, and sent along this screenshot of his Mage, as he was at the docks preparing to head for Nordland. We're just hoping that Mhurhg and Grug there didn't give Oz too much trouble. (Of course, we wonder if we're the only one having Goonies flashbacks looking at Sloth's twins with a boat as a backdrop.)

Have you been playing in the WAR beta? How about Wrath? If you're in a beta with an NDA that's open and would like to show off all your grand adventures, send those screenshots our way at oneshots AT We'll be glad to share them with all the Massively readers and give you the credit!