
A look into the psyche of a tank player

In a highly interesting look into the psyche of a longtime tank player, The Escapist takes us on a short, two-page journey down the rabbit hole of an MMO player's outlook on his hobby. We always appreciate a more heady approach to the how and why of class choice and this feature definitely delivers. It's a subject that can bring about lengthy time-passing discussions. What does it say about a person who always plays a healer? Why do they constantly choose to even be a healer? Everyone will have a slightly different set of reasons for playing the class that they do, which makes it such an interesting group discussion.

We also have to approve of the message the article sends out at its conclusion: A positive outlook on the social aspects of playing an MMO and the feel-good nature of the guild experience. It's always nice to see someone espousing an honest take on why they enjoy the genre.