
SOCOM: Confrontation beta patched, actually playable

It was a rough weekend for the SOCOM faithful as server and network code issues made the game nigh-unplayable for many. Sony was well aware of the problem, promising a fix before the end of this week. Surprise: the fix arrived early this morning, and we – along with, oh, everyone who waited for the beta – were eager to see what exactly was fixed.

Turns out the answer is (at least in our experience) quite a bit. We were irked to find that our character customization data was wiped by the 1.10 patch, but them's the breaks in betaville. Rebuilding our characters wouldn't be worth it if we couldn't get into a match, though. Happily, we have found that almost all front-end network issues (login errors, general slowness, etc.) have been nipped, we can finally join games, and, when we do, gameplay seems less laggy.

It still takes quite a while to load into a match, but knowing that you'll actually be able to play once you do makes the waiting much more bearable. For those who are in the beta, let us know what your experience with 1.10 has been like in comments.

[Via PS3 Fanboy]