
GameStop to stock Ion Drum Rocker in selected locations

What? You want to pay 300 clams for a Rock Band 2 peripheral? You can now count GameStop in as one of the few retailers that will stock the $299.99 Ion Rock Band Drum Rocker. Yesterday at GameStop eXpo 2008, executives for the company revealed that this luxury controller will be sold at a selected number of their stores. Because of the size (and demand) limitations of each store, GameStop plans to implement a system where you can order the Drum Rocker at your local store for pickup or directly to your home sweet home.

What we are not sure about is, why would you drive all the way to GameStop to order this to have it delivered to your home? You can order the Drum Rocker (albeit the 360 version only for the time being) on both the official site and Amazon and save a trip to GameStop.