
Wii Fit Family Challenge sort of makes prime time

Nintendo continues to promote Wii Fit, hoping to sell all future copies just as they've sold all previous copies. This time, they're showing off the game and the Balance Board on Nick at Nite, with the conclusion of the Wii Fit Family Challenge.

In July and August, Nintendo asked families to submit videos in which they described why they were excellent candidates for a televised Wii Fit competition. Three families will compete on Wednesday in the Wii Fit Family Challenge, an event in Orlando hosted by Olympic skater Kristi Yamaguchi.

This event will be shown in part on Nick at Nite on October 9th, "interspersed between its prime time programming." Which means that Nintendo won't cause Fresh Prince reruns to be pre-empted. That's actually a bit sad for Nintendo in a way, but good for us, because we like Fresh Prince reruns.
