
Pirates of the Burning Sea celebrates Talk Like a Pirate Day

When you're the official game of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, today is your day to shine. So the folks at Flying Lab Software have been working hard to make today the ultimate in grog-swillin' and booty-plunderin' in their flagship game, Pirates of the Burning Sea.

All day today and until September 26th, you'll find special missions and secret booty for all players. What makes it even better is a special 14-day trial, so you can try it all out for free. Plus, if you fear your Pirate-speak isn't up to par ...or yarr... today, Flying Lab has created a handy Pirate Reference Guide you can find right after the jump. If that's still not enough to shiver your timbers, several other MMOs are celebrating this day with special quests as well, including Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. Avast!

Quick Pirate Reference Guide:

To prepare you for the day, here is a quick reference guide of pirate terms and sayings.

Pirate Saying-Translation:
Arrrr!-Interject as much as possible!
Fair Winds!-Good luck!
Godspeed!-Good bye, good luck!
Me Hearties!-Pirate's Crew
Pillage-To rob or plunder
Sail ho!-To see a ship!
Salt-Veteran sailor
Shiver me timbers!-Yikes!
Sink me!-Said in surprise
Swab-To clean something


Don't maroon ye matey, join me for Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Avoid mutiny, Talk Like A Pirate!
Don't be a poop deck, Talk Like A Pirate!
A rose, it be red, a pirate be rank, talk like a pirate, or ye'll be walking the plank.

Pick-up Lines:

You be the Cap'n of me heart.
Scurvy is just fancy talk for sexified.
Nice sea legs!

Now, put your piratical talk to use, me hearties!