
Wowhead offers another chance to win Tyrael

Do you still need a Wrath of the Lich King beta key? Or perhaps you covet your very own mini-Tyrael (which you can now bestow on all your characters)? If so, you may want to check out Wowhead's latest contest, which is once again giving away cards from the Worldwide Invitational with codes for the LK beta and for Tyraels. Happily, this one is open to both EU and US. It's happening today, starting at 4:00 EST (1:00 PST), which is just under two hours from now. It's a similar format to their previous contest (which unfortunately had to be cancelled), but with a twist:

  • The goal is to identify five screenshots, figuring out which exact Wowhead pages those screenshots are displayed on.

  • When you get all five answers, put the URLs of the Wowhead pages corresponding to the screenshots in an email to Make sure your answers are in order.

  • At 4:00, a heavily altered version of the screenshots are posted (seems to be run through a random Photoshop filter). This is phase one, and if anyone could recognize a phase one screenshot, I'd be amazed (see above for an example).

  • At 4:20 (phase two), the images are posted in a slightly less altered form, though they're still pretty hard to recognize.

  • At 4:40, for phase three, the images are brought even closer to their original form. In yesterday's round, the winning entries were sent within two minutes after phase three started.

  • At 5:00, the original images are posted.

  • The first five people to email in a correct set of answers will receive a WWI card.

To see yesterday's pictures, including the answer to what the heck the screenshot above is (no, I'm not going to give it away here), check out the contest thread on the Wowhead forums. That's also where today's screenshots are going to be posted, starting at 4:00 EST (1:00 PST). Get ready!