
Rumor: Splinter Cell gameplay and visuals have evolved

Remember in 1996 when the Xbox 360 exclusive Splinter Cell: Conviction was announced. We may have the date wrong but it was a long time ago, that we know for sure. Just when we were giving up home on Sam's return a report by Videogaming247 indicates that Conviction, which was pushed into 2009, has undergone a handful of changes.

According to the site an Ubisoft community development manager said Conviction is "certainly not canned," but that "the gameplay has evolved a lot" and "the visual direction is simply much better." Considering Sam has been dark since his Xbox 360 debut in October 2006 we'd hope the title was experiencing a substantial upgrade to compete with other high-profile stealth action games that will not be named.

We'd also like to think that Sam has returned to his sneaky Third Echelon roots instead of going all "emo" on us but only Tom Clancy knows for sure. Sadly, a name cannot speak and the artist formerly known as Tom Clancy doesn't make the rules anymore -- you know, since he sold his moniker.