
First Look: JetSet 1.1 for iPhone

JetSet 1.1


has announced special pricing for their JetSet iPhone expense tracker to celebrate the release of the update to version 1.1. Through October 6th, you can purchase JetSet 1.1 for US$4.99, five dollars off of the regular App Store (click opens iTunes) price of US$9.99.

There are a number of other expense managers for iPhone, but I use JetSet for some specific features -- the ability to capture iPhone photos of receipts and attach them to expenses, being able to export expense information to Google spreadsheets or to Excel, and global expense views that "package" expenses that are for a particular project or trip.

JetSet also has 15 major expense categories, visible in the screenshot here, as well as well over 100 subcategories. This speeds up data entry since it's usually not necessary to type in category names.

If you're not using JetSet for expense tracking, what do you use? Leave us a comment.