
Rock Band's AC/DC package comes complete with fine print

Some of the fine print for Rock Band's upcoming AC/DC track package has been clarified thanks to a report by Variety. What we can now confirm is the 18 song pack will be a standalone product that can be played by itself or transferred to an Xbox 360 and act as downloadable content for Rock Band or Rock Band 2.

The standalone version will feature most, but not all, of the features found in both Rock Band titles. Players can play all four instruments (vocals, guitar, bass and drums), will not play as AC/DC themselves but as standard in game avatars because the product features no character customization. Players can participate in a tour style mode which plays through the entire set list, participate in tug-of-war and a score duels mode but the disc itself does not support online play.

In order to get online with the AC/DC tracks players must transfer the songs to their hard drive, as was required to play Rock Band songs in Rock Band 2 - which also opens up other restrictions such as character customization. Where things get hairy is that transferring the package can only be activated "once per disc," to prevent players from buying one copy and sharing the music with other machines.

The information was parsed from Paul DeGooyer, senior VP of electronic games and music at MTV who also stated the AC/DC tracks were only exclusive to Rock Band for "a term."