
Penny Arcade episode 2 has gone gold, available on PSN this Fall

Another "gone gold" announcement today, this time for Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 2. The second part of the On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness series is now in the can and ready to release onto the PSN store "this fall." Actually, the press release states that the PSN version will probably launch shortly after the Mac, Linux, Windows and 360 versions. Hopefully that's a matter of days later, not weeks (to coincide with the Thursday PSN releases, we suspect). The pricing for the game will be $14.95.

Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 will no doubt release before then, too. If you've already played it on another system, it might be worth picking it up for the trophies, and for the ability to transfer your character data over between episodes. If you've not played the game yet, it's an 3D turn based RPG with a Penny Arcade art and writing style. If that sounds good to you, rejoice in the fact that you have two episodes to look forward to this Autumn.
