
Surprise XBLA threefer: Stickball, Beat'n Groovy, and Shadow Assault

Here's some random Arcade news for you. Today being new release Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday, we're being treated to the only Arcade game that was announced, MLB Stickball. Or so we thought. Magically and mysteriously, Microsoft decided to release two additional XBLA games, making today an XBLA threefer!

The three new releases include the already mentioned MLB Stickball, Voltex Inc.'s rhythm game Beat'n Groovy, as well as the game formerly known as Tenchu: Shadow Assault, Shadow Assault/Tenchu. All three games can be purchased for 800 Microsoft points and we have a hunch that you won't find all three games to be equally enjoyable. All we can say is that, this week, XBLA in Brief is going to be a fun one.