
Yivvits and MrBubble celebrate their 100th SWG podcast episode

If you're a die-hard fan of Star Wars Galaxies, there's a good chance you've heard of the Yivvits and MrBubble SWG podcast. This show has been going on since 2005, and has finally just released their 100th show. Why is this news? One hundred episodes of a podcast about one specific MMO is quite a feat, as any regular podcast fan can attest.

"When we started the show in 2005 we had no idea where it would lead or if we'd even make more than six episodes," The two wildly popular hosts write in the episode's show notes. "This episode is packed full of everything you love about our show. Who is the Grand Admin and what the heck is "The SWIG?" Join Yivvits and MrBubble as they find out just how important their show is... to everybody! Two very special guests join us for this milestone episode, we play the dozens of congratulatory messages you left us, and we round things out with cake!"