
X3F TV -- Mirror's Edge Time Trial Demo Preview

While the demo for Mirror's Edge has been available on the Xbox Live Marketplace since Friday, we know some gamers haven't had a chance to play the demo's unlockable Time Trial Mode. Available when you enter a special code when the game is pre-ordered, the time trial demo allows players to traverse the two sections of the regular demo in a battle of speed against other players online.

Once a player completes a run of the levels included in the time trial subsequent runs will pit players against a red ghost of their best previous time for each section of the level. Beat your previous time and that run becomes the new ghost. Quickly you'll learn that it's both fun and frustrating to fight against yourself. Not down with self destruction? Download ghosts from players atop the leaderboard and learn their tricks and time saving tactics.

We're not claiming to be experts at Mirror's Edge but hopefully our two level runs will show you a thing or two ... remember, you don't always have to follow the preset path.