
WoW Insider undergoes total site revamp

We talk fairly frequently about our sister site WoW Insider, and it's with a lot of pride. Those folks over there do a fantastic job reporting on the biggest name in MMOs; it is this blogger's opinion that WoW Insider is the best single-topic blog on the internet period, regardless of subject matter. So we're thrilled to be able to share with you WoW Insider's big news! In advance of next week's launch of Wrath of the Lich King, WoW Insider has received a total site revamp! Above is what the site used to look like. Now, it looks like this!

Pretty impressive, huh? We here at Massively are going to swallow our design-related jealousy and join the rest of the Joystiq family in applauding WoW Insider's relaunch. Many congratulations to Dan O'Halloran, Mike Schramm, and all the writers that make the site tick. Make sure to head over and check out the new site, stay tuned for even more fun as they get settled in, and tune in to Massively and WoW Insider for plenty of Lich King news next week!