
A critical look at EverQuest II: The Shadow Odyssey

Massively tries to be your one-stop shop for everything MMO related ... but there's a danger to a site like ours. Ultimately, we become so close to the subject matter that we stop being able to objectively judge content. That's one of the reasons we try to avoid any definitive statements in preview materials. We're so used to MMOs that we try to adopt a passive viewpoint, a somewhat-impartial observer for the prospective player. That's useful to a lot of people ... but it can also allow the chance for critical observations to go by the wayside. Luckily, we're far from the only website on the internet talking about MMOs.

Eurogamer's MMO coverage has been very good since they started that subsite earlier this year, and they have an engaging look at EverQuest II: The Shadow Odyssey well worth reading. Author Jon Blyth is anything but passive in his discussion of the game, calling the expansion's occasional platforming puzzle "a flattering name for dodgy [gameplay] in a genre that really wasn't designed for it." He offers up a greater sense of what touring the new EQ2 expansion was like, and his walkthrough discussion of the dungeons gets across a newcomer's wonder at lore bastions like Befallen and Mistmoore Manor. Well worth a look for another viewpoint on the upcoming expansion, and a great contrast to our own gallery-style walkthrough.