
SOE begins registration for Free Realms beta

We're not even going to pretend like you have any free time to squander on frivolous gaming excursions -- as it stands, you're likely enjoying one of the the hojillion great titles that have come out in the past month. However, if you do find yourself bored, strapped for cash, and, well, twelve years old, you might want to turn your attention to the official site for Sony Online Entertainment's free-to-play MMO, Free Realms. In addition to posting a slew of new previews for the title, Sony recently began signing up testers for the Free Realms beta.

Want to know what you're getting into before spending your precious time on applying? Well, it's like Everquest, only cartoony, and with more minigames. Also, the title is apparently reaching for a mainstream teenage audience -- in turn, we can expect the usual shouts of "SoW PLZ" to be swiftly replaced with proclamations of "Did ne1 c grays anatmy last nite?". If this sounds like your cup of tea, you can find the sign-up form here.