
Gene Simmons brings branded 'AXE Guitar' to Guitar Hero and Rock Band

Hoping to enlist new members into his Army, KISS bassist Gene Simmons is looking to jump on the guitar peripheral bandwagon. The wireless Gene Simmons AXE Guitar is coming November 15 for $80 and will be compatible with PlayStation 3 and PS2 versions of Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, using a packaged dongle (pictured, not to scale). The peripheral will be a 3/4th size replica and is currently available for pre-order.

A Wii version for Guitar Hero only is coming December 1st, but if you can wait until January 31 there's another Wii axe coming that's compatible with both GH and RB. Xbox 360 owners will have to wait until April 2009. As of this writing, there's been no indication of a Limited Edition version of the AXE with makeup kit and Gene Simmons tongue extender™, but hey, we can dream.

[Via Reuters]