
Sony UK boss: We're not known for a 'patch-patch mentality'

We feel just a tad sorry for Sony UK's undoubtedly and overwhelmingly busy managing director, Ray Maguire. Oh, it's not because he believes that PlayStation 3 is finally hitting its stride, soaring to new peaks while competitors start the slide downward. "It's nowhere near even halfway through its lifecycle, and I could argue that some other competing formats are on their way down right now," Maguire recently told

No, it's because in his dignified defense of PlayStation Home's sluggish construction, he reveals a very depressing truth. "We have to make sure that things are born at the right time, that the infrastructures are right and are tested, and that they actually work," he explained. "It's one of the things that PlayStation has been known for - a plug-and-play mentality, rather than a patch-patch mentality." In confessing that the service's extended development period is due to "getting it right" before "getting it out quick," it's apparent that Maguire has been missing out on LittleBigPlanet.

Trust us, Ray, it's flipping brilliant. Don't let the firmware updates, game patches, nebulous moderation or server outages put you off.