
Many free transfers for Europe

An extravaganza of free character moves has just been made available for various European realms:

  • Al'Akir -> Bladefist

  • Burning Legion -> Chromaggus

  • Frostmane -> Laughing Skull

  • Grim Batol -> Genjuros

  • Kazzak -> Karazhan

  • Magtheridon -> Emeriss

  • Neptulon -> Shattered Halls

  • Outland -> Auchindoun

  • Ravencrest -> Spinebreaker

  • Stormreaver -> Burning Blade

  • Stormscale -> Boulderfirst

  • Sylvanas -> Jaedenar

  • Twilight's Hammer -> Vek'nilash

  • Argent Dawn -> Darkmoon Faire

They will be open from today, the 13th, until Wednesday, November 18th.

This is really not your typical character transfer here. Usually there's a group of source realms with one destination realms, sometimes two. I'm not sure I've ever seen something like this: 14 source realms with 14 different destination realms. This may have to do with the more fractured situation in Europe – with four realm types (PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP), five languages, and I'm not sure how many time zones, I can see how it might take some juggling to keep moves within one category. As always, if you do want to switch, you're advised to do it early, because transfers can be closed if the realms meet their desired populations early.

Edit: I see that all of these realms are English and CEST (thanks, Sethox). No clue why they're so fragmented, then.