
Check your inbox, Fable 2 CE DLC codes have been emailed

If you haven't recently checked your inbox and registered for the Fable 2 Collector's Edition DLC offer, then we advise doing an inbox check this very moment. Reason being, Microsoft just emailed the DLC redemption codes to those who already registered.

If you recall, Microsoft forgot to place the CE exclusive DLC redemption code cards in some copies of the Fable 2 CE, which caused lots of commotion and angry customers. So, team Microsoft setup a website to allow those CE purchasers who didn't get their redemption code a chance to receive the content via registration on the website. And to those who gamed the system, registered for the DLC and never owned the CE, we think the email's opening sentence says it all. "Accept the consequences of your actions" ... mmkay?

[Thanks, to the hundreds of fanboys who sent this in]